The following functionality is not available on the Member Portal yet. Please click on the links below to access the functionality on the SAICA website. Please note - SAICA website log in details will need to be entered to access some of the functionality:
You Already Applied for Registration Cancellation request.
You Already Applied for Special Concession request.
You Already Applied for Affidavit request.
You are not eligible to apply for special concession.
The reinstatement date has been closed.
You are not eligible to apply for Reinstatement of Registration.
Please refer to the ITC Regulations
Section 5.6 - 5.8 which states that where the candidate opted not to write, or for any unforeseen circumstances preventing a candidate from sitting any of the six examination opportunities their PGDA year is eligible for
The candidate's last opportunity will remain as per regulations 5.6 and 5.7 above. (I.e., any missed attempt(s) count towards the six examination opportunities)